Agile Data Preparation

Project Overview
Agile Data Preparation is a self-service data cleaning application providing data discovery, integration, and transformation capabilities. It enables business analysts and data scientists to quickly transform raw data into actionable, easily consumable information. By simplifying the way users discover and shape data, this application provides them with greater agility to respond to new data sources, business requirements, and market opportunities. In this project, I collaborated with researchers, product managers, developers and other designers on all phases including Immersion, Research, and Design.
Project Type:  Product Design
Role:  UX, UI, Research
Duration:  Oct, 2016 - Apr, 2017
Tool:  Sketch, Keynote, Photoshop


Domain Study: Use Case - "Why do we need Data Preparation?"
Domain Study 1
Domain Study 2
Domain Study 3


As mentioned above, we invested abundant time in early-stage immersion and research, which fundamentally supported and catalyzed the following design phase. With research going on in parallel, we kicked off our design work by reviewing the structural hierarchy and creating a more detailed information architecture. After that, we continuously collaborated with the researcher and graphic designer to proceed with the process from wireframes to hi-fi deliverables.
Information Architecture - "How does the system structure look like?"
The first thing that we did in the design phase was clarify the hierarchy of different functionalities by creating this Information Architecture diagram. IA is essential as it would not only reveal what was ahead of us but also trigger our thoughts for task flow. Along with the design progress, we kept evolving IA as well to calibrate our design track consistently.
Hand Sketches - "What's the first image in our minds?"
With a holistic view in mind, we started converting abstract mental models into concrete screen design. By creating rapid hand sketches, we were able to depict the skeleton of this app including the overall architecture, layers, layouts as well as key functions. On the other hand, hand sketches provided an efficient communication platform where designers could share their thoughts at a low cost.
Hand Sketch 1
Hand Sketch 2
Hand Sketch 3
Hand Sketch 4
Wireframe - "From where to where?"
The next step was to digitalize all the sketches and figure out clear flow(s) with wireframes. As listed above, we designed step-to-step wireframes for the top 5 features through 3 iterations.


Hi-fi Screen Design - "What's the outcome?"
Demo - "How about the interaction?"
1. Import Dataset
2. Combine Worksheets
3. Data Profile & Visualization
4. Remove Duplicates
5. Pivot Data
6. Aggregate
7. Share Worksheet